Neppe ISPE Diplomate application

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Recognized Achievements Article 3 Section 3 f 3

A minimum of 16 recognized achievements since advancing to Member level
a list is made of the 50  major achievements of the >100 that were listed from Membership through Diplomate applications.
Listing below is to assist showing each section is covered. 
Next to it is when that accomplishment was listed e.g.
F is in application to Fellow.
SF is in application to Senior Fellow.
SRF is in application to Senior Research Fellow.

Dip is in application to Diplomate.

These accomplishments are listed below.
3.1.. Minimum of 16 recognized achievements since advancing to Member level. These are listed in detail in the listings of applications at each level.   For your interest I have synthesized from these 100 plus listings these into fifty broader ones that I deem most worthwhile as below. Some of these I am listing as one achievement because they repeat from year to year.
In brackets is the reason for the relevance of the “achievement”.
(Each paragraph constitutes 1  “achievement” even when 9 e.g. with déjà vu a re listed.)
4 books, 1 play,  13 other important publications, 2 new qualifications, 2 pioneering studies, 2 new medical conditions, 4 new conceptualizations, 2 new classifications, 2 groups of new terms, 13 especially relevant recognitions, 5 relevant contributions to ISPE
New books  4 (with 1 further edition)
  1. Neppe VM: Déjà Vu: Glossary and Library. Seattle,, 2006  (SF)  (103 pages)
  2. Neppe VM: Déjà Vu Revisited. Seattle, WA, (Brainquest Press), 2006    (SF) (239  pages.)
  3. Neppe VM (ed): How Attorneys Can Best Utilize Their Medical Expert Consultant: A Medical Expert’s Perspective. Seattle, WA, USA,, 2006. Second edition: 2008.  (Note listing as one book but 2 editions) (SF 1st ed) (DIP 2nd ed 73 pages)
  4. Neppe VM, Funkhouser  AT (eds): Déjà Vu:  A Second Look. Seattle, WA, USA, (Brainquest Press), 2006     (SF)  (323 pages)

1.     Neppe VM: Quakes. 4th edition.  Seattle, WA,, 2002, Revisions - 2003, 2004, 2005 (DIP)

Especially important publications (these are specifically chosen based on original ideation or key research).
  1. Neppe VM: The email security-usability dichotomy: Necessary antinomy or potential synergism? Telicom 2008; 21(3):15-31 (DIP)
  2. Neppe VM, Blumer D: The paroxysmal disorders: insights into the controversy of medical diagnosis and terminologies. Telicom 2008; 21(2):16-40   (DIP)
  3. Neppe VM: Brain function, neuroscience and subjective experience, in Mysterious Minds: The Neurobiology of Psychics, Mediums and other Extraordinary People Edited by S. K, Friedman H. Westport, CT, Greenwood/Praeger, 2009, In press  (DIP); see also Brain, Reductionism, Neuroscience, Controversy and DataTelicom. 2008; 21: 1, Jan.-Feb.,   31-48 (SRF)
  4. Neppe VM: The Subjective Experience of Anomalous Trait Typology Evaluation (SEATTLE) multi-axial, classificatory and  phenomenological model for subjective and objective anomalous experiences in the neuroscience context, in Mysterious Minds: The Neurobiology of Psychics, Mediums and other Extraordinary People Edited by S. K, Friedman H. Westport, CT, Greenwood/Praeger, 2009, In press  (DIP);  See also Neppe VM: Re-examining current neuroscience research controversies. Australian J of Parapsychology 2008; 8(2) 128-156  (DIP)
  5. Neppe, V. M. Peer Review and Phenomenological Analyses in Research. Australian J. of Parapsychology. 2007, 7: 2, 184-188. (SRF),
  6. Neppe, V. M. Research Note: Interpreting key variables in parapsychological phenomenology by single versus screening questions. Aus. J. Paraps. 2007, 7:1, June, 80-85 (SRF);
  7.  Neppe, V. M., Palmer J. Subjective anomalous events: Perspectives for the future, voices from the past. In Storm, L., Thalbourne, M. (Eds) Parapsychology in the 21st Century: Essays on the Future of Psychical Research. MacFarland, Jefferson, NC. 2005, 242-274  (DIP)
  8. A.  Neppe VM: Why parapsychology is amongst the most important of the sciences. Australian J of Parapsychology 2005; 5(1):4-22  (F)
  9. Neppe VM: A detailed analysis of an important chess game: Revisiting  ‘Maróczy versus Korchnoi’. Journal Soc. Psychical Research 2007; 71(3):129-147 (SRF)
  10. Neppe VM: Differential cerebral cortical responsiveness examination in minimally conscious versus persistent vegetative states: A new role for neuropsychiatry and behavioral neurology. Journal of Neuropsychiatry & Clinical Neurosciences 2007; 19(4):478-479  (SRF)
  11. A.  Neppe VM: A voyage into generic substitution and beyond (Section 1). Telicom 2008; 21(4):41-59  (DIP)
  12.  Neppe VM: From generic substitutions to nutraceuticals: Control, care, countries and choices (Section 2). Telicom 2008; 21(5):34-55 (DIP)
  13. Double Blind Studies in Medicine: Perfection Imperfection?Telicom. 2007; 20: 6, Nov. -Dec., 13-23. (SRF)

Especially relevant new qualifications

  1. A. DFAPA American Psychiatric Association, appointed to highest public level     Distinguished Fellow  (SRF) (previously) 1.B.  FAPA American Psychiatric Association, appointed to  very high recognition. level . Fellow.  
  2. BN&NP  (SF)
Pioneering studies    
  1. Child prodigy   (DIP) see Neppe VM: Intelligence assessment by history taking in child prodigies with adult achievement—the SCHIQ, in International Society for Intelligence Research Conference Book. Decatur, GA, 2008  (DIP)
  2. Computerized model of survival   (DIP)
New medical conditions  
  1. Paroxysmal neurobehavioral disorder  (DIP)
  2. Paroxsymal photosensitivity syndrome    (DIP)
New conceptualizations  
  1. NPSQ     (SF)
  2. SCHIQ    (DIP)
  3. Paroxysmal somatoform disorder  (DIP)
  4. Model for Genius   (DIP)
New classifications
  1. SEATTLE classification   (DIP)
  2. Prodigy classification   (DIP)
New terms  
  1. Ethiocspirituobiospychofamiliosociocultural  (DIP)
  2. Déjà vu  terms:  *9   (DIP)

Especially relevant recognitions

  1. Consultant for movie Deja Vu.  (Extended TV interviews on this. Trailer on TV involving Denzel Washington and VN! (SF)
  1. 3 hour Deja Vu Radio Coast to Coast   (SF)
  2. Lecture Royal Society of South Africa Deja Vu. (SF)
  3. Professional  Consultant to Harcourt Assessment  (SF)
  4. Settlement of several major Forensic cases (testimony swings decisions by millions of dollars,) (SF) and participation in 2 major patent cases (DIP)
  5. Leader of the  first ever USA and International Delegation in Neuropsychiatry and Psychopharmacology (to China, 2006) (SF) and Neppe, V.M.  Delegation Leader  Journal  of  Professional Proceedings: Psychopharmacology and Neuropsychiatry Delegation to China. June 11-23, 2006. (SF) Dr Neppe was the single person chosen for this from the whole of  the USA.
  6. Listing in Americas Top Doctors  (all 8 editions since 2001; this means listings under F, SF, SRF, DIP)
  7. Address to Chinese medical schools (SF) (University of Shanghai, and of Peking)
  8. Special Advisory Consultant and User Advocate  on ZMail 3.1 (SRF), on ZSEND (DIP) and on Zvote (DIP)
  9. Radio, press and television (SF, SRF, DIP)
  10. Specialist Editorial Board Consultant in Neuropsychiatry for Australian J of Parapsychology. (SF; DIP)
  11.  Visiting Speaker's Bureau (national faculty) (Effexor—SRF,  Pristiq – DIP)
  12.  Use in 2 patent cases involving very, very large sums  (DIP)
  13.  Alex Imich Essay Competition 2005: First prize world-wide (1 of 2), Scholarly contribution  (F)

Especially relevant contributions to ISPE

  1. 9 the1000.ning groups (DIP)
  2. 123 ISPE the1000.ning friends (DIP)
  3. regular feature articles in Telicom for 1 year (DIP)
  4. Science Editor (SRF)
  5. Administrator of Ning network; recruiting new members; acting as a mentor  (DIP)



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